supercritical water – biorefineries – hydrothermal – biomass – biomaterials – foaming

Danilo Cantero
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2911-5843
WoS ID: AAD-5692-2022
SCOPUS ID: 57189582209
My research career
I graduated from the University of Córdoba, Argentina, as a Chemical Engineer. Then, I moved to Valladolid, where I obtained a Master’s degree and a PhD in Fluid Thermodynamic Engineering at UVa. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at UVa for one year, I moved to the USA, where I obtained a postdoctoral associate position at the Cornell University Energy Institute (USA) for one year.
In 2014, I became a Research Scientist at Renmatix, Pennsylvania (USA), where I worked for 2 years and 7 months. Then, I was promoted to Senior Research Scientist (1 year and 3 months) and finally to Vice President of Research and Development, being the R&D leader in the company (1 year and 8 months). Finally, I left my position as Vice President at Renmatix to take up the position of Distinguished Researcher at the University of Valladolid, my current position.
Fields of expertise
- Intensification of processes through the implementation of new technologies
- Development of new materials using supercritical fluids
- Development of hydrothermal reactive and extractive systems for biorefinery
My activity
Danilo studies the use of supercritical water as a reaction medium for biomass.
Water above 374 ºC and 220 bar behaves in a very special way and specifically for biomass it is capable of ultra-fast and low polar reactions. A biopolymer such as cellulose can be decomposed very efficiently in a few milliseconds, which can intensify the process and reduce the reactor volume. However, the use of high temperatures implies a considerable energy cost that he is working to minimize and make it sustainable.
Danilo’s vision is to be a reference in the use of supercritical water, not only for biomass depolymerization but also for other processes that can benefit from intensification.
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