Production of bio-oils from residual biomass in continuous hydrothermal reactors.
Fast-Oils is part of the coordinated project SUGAI, which involves several research centres in Spain with the main common objective of producing of new, advanced, highly functional and cost-efficient biofuels such as SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) from lignocellulosic waste biomass.
The specific aim of Fast-Oils is to develop a hydrothermal continuous process for the production of bio-oill. This bio-oil is the precursor to the biofuel and needs to be subjected to further treatment to achieve the properties of the latter. Currently, the use different types of biomass from local gardening works, such as pine or eucalyptus, and industrial processes, such as coffee grounds are being investigated with promising results.

Funding entity:

Principal investigator:
Irene Magdaleno de la Fuente
Ph.D Student | UVa